Every now and again I browse the Guides and New players section on the League of Legends forums. If I find a question that I am suited to answer fairly well, I try to help out the poster by giving my 2 cents. This is a transcript of the original post and my reply.
Question: I main Vi, and sometimes going top is the only or best option. But there's champs I struggle against such as.
Renekton, everyone's favorite gator, I usually beat him Pre 6, after 6
I'm screwed unless I have a jungler with lots of cc. I usually start
Cloth, 4 hp pots and 1 mana pot
Darius, can't beat this guy 1v1 pre 6, after 6 can't out dunk him lol I always start red elixir against him.
Singed, I know not to chase, but dat fling. It hurts :s I always start 5 hp pots, 3 wards, 1 mana pot.
Wukong. Went against him once. I never want it to happen again, not sure
if it was cause he was smart, (engaging while my passive was down etc.)
I started cloth 5
Tips for these matchups are very appreciated
Answer: Renek is just a monster and you won't be able to beat a good one
consistently. If you're sure you can outplay and kill him pre-6, you're
going to need that kill early on just to survive later. I'd just try to
mitigate the damage in this lane by hunkering down and farming, and try
to keep Renekton in the lane as long as possible. If you can sneak off
for a gank when you have an ulti do it. But always keep an eye on
Renekton, because he can ruin the **** out of other lanes if you let him
run unchecked.
Darius is super scary for any laner because instead of punishing your
mistakes by making you lose CS or being outtraded, you are rewarded with
a free trip back to base. My favored tactic to beat Darius is really
simple. Start with cloth armor and 5 pots, and farm defensively until i
can afford a Giants belt and chainmail. Once you have these two it's
virtually impossible for him to beat you in a trade, and if you can buy
some more health pots you can outsustain him and eventually land a kill.
This isn't a perfect strategy for Darius, because if you play Vi
masterfully I'm pretty sure you can kill him a couple of times early and
build a vamp scepter instead. I just prefer to play it safe, because
he's still a monster even with the ult nerf. Just know that you don't
have to lose to Darius in the lane, you can just make it a stalemate.
Singed is just gay. I honestly try as hard as I can to get a solid trade
on him between levels 1-10, because if you don't stop him before then
he usually becomes exponentially harder to kill and you'll just end up
dying. If you can land your full combo and avoid a good amount of poison
you should win.
Wukong is potentially the worst of all match ups. If he's poking you and
escaping every time you can try 2 things: Whack down a vision ward to
catch him in invisibility, or charge your Q as soon as he uses his fake
so you can slap him when he becomes visible. This is another lane that
you can win by landing a couple of good combos early. If you wait too
long, Wukong will happily harass you down all day.
The only other advice I can give you for Vi at top is spam the bushes to
charge your Q, they will predict you're going to charge at them but
they will find it much harder to dodge you. If you can't win your lane
just freeze it and farm, and if the opponent decides to pull it and zone
you out just gank mid or counterjungle.
I play a hell of a lot of Vi but I prefer her jungle. She's a solid
choice for top but without a blue it can be frustrating to keep
powerhousing the lane. Hopefully this advice provided you with a few
ideas and helps a bit, good luck!
If you have any input or think you have better advice, post a comment and let us know!
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