
19 Sept 2012

I think I'll always play LoL

Despite being completely hooked on my new fetish, Guild Wars 2- I still somewhat reluctantly log onto League of Legends once every few days to play a couple of games with my friends. This draws the conclusion to me that I believe regardless of how bored I get of playing a match, LoL will always be a game I can return to.

I believe a lot of people do the same thing as me and play very casually, the only downside is your ability to win games and make successful moves deteriorates. I get beaten in my lane more often, and have to do what I can to mitigate the damage for my team come mid game.

All in all, I feel Riot have really created the god tier of Moba games. One that has no pull telling you that you have to play. A game that so many people play when you make a new friend, half the time they play League of Legends. I bond with a lot of people I barely know purely because they play the game and I say 'Hey, play a game with me sometime.'.

I think some sort of server transfer should be made easily available. So people can hop from NA to EU and you can always play with everyone you know. I currently cannot play with some of my friends because I don't want to start over again and lose all of my characters.

Anyway, make sure you all have a great time playing LoL folks, and remember there's nothing forcing to play. So take a break instead of raging.